Organic Producer Initiatives and Rural Development: Four European Case Studies
Author:  Peter Midmore, Carolyn Foster, Markus Schermer
Publishing:  OMIaRD Publication
Published Date:  2004

The third volume of a series of reports provides an in-depth examination of the internal and external structure of collaborative enterprises involving organic farmers. The initiatives have been selected in the Vorarlberg in Austria, Bourgogne in France, Lancashire in the UK and in the Marche region of Italy. The comparative studies show how the businesses contribute to employment and income generation, but also enhance the status of farming, prevent abandonment of the countryside and improve the image of their regions. They contribute important insights into the development of rural economic policies, especially since approaches increasingly require sustainability, integration, and complementarity within an overall framework of policy reform in Europe.

ISBN:  0-9543279-2-0
Pages:  217
Categories:  เกษตรอินทรีย์ นโยบาย